The quality of soil and nutrient advice farmers receive can vary widely. Fertcare® is about promoting productivity while protecting the environment. For independently audited advice based on good practices and accepted science to optimise productivity, look for a Fertcare Accredited Advisor.
The Fertcare Accredited Advisor program assesses an individual’s competence to make soil and fertiliser recommendations which optimise productivity while protecting the environment. Standards are set by ASPAC and linked to national competencies. Key agricultural industry texts and national initiatives are referenced by the assessment process.
The program helps organisations optimise productivity for farmers while managing the risk associated with the provision of soil and fertiliser recommendations. Consider three reasons for an agronomist to become a Fertcare Accredited Advisor.
Fertcare recognises the valuable role nutrient decision systems provide to advisors. Explore how different Fertcare assessed systems can assist your recognition as a Fertcare Accredited Advisor.
Explore the initial assessment options to being recognised as a Fertcare Accredited Advisor.
Fertcare Accredited Advisors must participate in an approved biennial audit to maintain their accreditation. Fertcare Full Service nutrient decision systems provide this service to users. Advisors using other Fertcare assessed systems need to submit a peer audit.

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