Fertcare Sales & Service

Target Participants:

Fertcare Sales & Service is considered medium in complexity. The material is designed for sales staff who spend a significant proportion of their time on fertilisers or people who discuss fertiliser types and use with growers, but do not carry out soil or plant test interpretations.

Subject Matter:

Fertcare Sales & Service provides basic education in soil and plant nutrition enabling sales staff to improve communication with their customers. It can be combined with company specific training to deliver effective sales skills and meet stewardship objectives. Fertcare Sales & Service also covers logistics and OH&S issues at an awareness level.

The major subject areas addressed are:
  • Soils and nutrients
  • Fertilisers
  • Application methods
  • Environment and food safety
  • Regulation
  • Sampling
  • Logistics

It will improve participant's knowledge of fertiliser products, enabling them to provide warnings and simple advice. Importantly, Fertcare Sales & Service emphasises the need to refer customers to Fertcare Accredited Advisors where appropriate.

Fertcare Sales & Service is currently being reviewed and upgraded. In the future it will be delivered via a contemporary web platform.

If you change employment after you have completed Fertcare training, you are asked to advise the Fertcare Customer Service Manager of the change (P: 02 6273 2422 E: info@fertilizer.org.au)

Fertcare® is a registered trade mark, action will be taken against organisations or individuals for unauthorized use.