Archive disclaimer
This website contains information produced by the work of the National Cadmium Management Committee (NCMC) between 2002 and 2006 and is being maintained and updated by Fertilizer Australia.
The NCMC ceased to operate as of December 2006 - having achieved all of its initial aims plus additional aims that arose during the term of the Committee
Fertilizer Australia continues to provide advice on issues related to cadmium in agriculture.
For queries related to cadmium in agricultural systems please contact Fertilizer Australia E: or P: 02 62732422.
If there is information you require that is in a format that you cannot access, or if you experience any other accessibility difficulties, please contact Fertilizer Australia as listed above.

Final Report of the National Cadmium Management
Committee(NCMC) 2000-2006 April 2007
Best Management Practices Guides
Information provided in the Best Management Practice Guides was developed and published between 1999 and 2007 – the material is regularly reviewed and is still valid for use. However, some contact details provided for further information in each guide have changed and enquiries should be directed to Fertilizer Australia who can direct you to the most up-to-date contact for further information.

Managing for cadmium minimisation in Australian livestock
Jan 2007
Presentations for the Final NCMC Workshop
Australian Publications on Cadmium in Agriculture
(based on a computer search, updated in May 2020)
If you are the author of an article that you believe should be included in this reference list, or know of an article that should be included then please email details of the paper to Fertilizer Australia E: or P: 02 62732422
Alaboudi, K. A., Ahmed, B.Brodie, G. (2018). Phytoremediation of Pb and Cd contaminated soils by using sunflower (Helianthus annuus) plant, Annals of Agricultural Science, vol. 63, no. 1, Jun, p. 123-127.
Al-Hwaiti, M., Tardio, J., Reynolds, H.Bhargava, S. (2014). Selectivty Assessments of a Sequential Extraction Procedure for Potential Trace Metals' Mobility and Bioavailability in Phosphate Rocks from Jordan Phosphate Mines, Soil & Sediment Contamination, vol. 23, no. 4, May, p. 417-436.
Arakel A. V., Hongjun T. (1992). Heavy Metal Geochemistry and Dispersion Pattern in Coastal Sediments, Soil, and Water of Kedron Brook Floodplain Area, Brisbane, Australia, Environmental Geology and Water Sciences EGWSEI, Vol. 20, No. 3, p 219-231, November/December 1992. 10 fig, 3 tab, 22 ref.
Ashton J., Laura R. (1992). The cadmium problem, Search; (Feb 1992), v. 23(1) p. 31-33; 2 fig., 13 ref.
Aualiitia T. U., Pickering W. F. (1987). Specific Sorption of Trace Amounts of Cu, Pb, and Cd by Inorganic Particulates, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution WAPLAC Vol. 35, No. 1/2, p 171-185, September 1987. 4 fig, 2 tab, 41 ref.
Bajracharya K., Barry D. A. (1993). Comments on "sorption of cadmium and copper from an acid mine waste extract by two calcareous soils: column studies" by L. M. Dudley, J. E. McLean, T. H. Furst, and J. J. Jurinak., Soil science. Jan 1993. v. 155 (1) p. 67-70.
Bajracharya K., Tran Y. T., Barry D. A. (1996). Cadmium adsorption at different pore water velocities, Geoderma, vol. 73, no. 3-4, pp. 197-216, 1996.
Barrow N. (1998). Effects of time and temperature on the sorption of cadmium, zinc, cobalt, and nickel by a soil, Australian Journal of Soil Research, 1998, 36 (6), p941-950, 1 table, 4 figs, refs.
Barrow N. J. (1998). Effects of time and temperature on the sorption of cadmium, zinc, cobalt, and nickel by a soil, Australian Journal of Soil Research, 36, 941-950.
Barrow N. J., Gerth J., Brummer G. W. (1989). Reaction kinetics of the adsorption and desorption of nickel, zinc and cadmium by goethite. II. Modelling the extent and rate of reaction., The Journal of soil science. June 1989. v. 40 (2) p. 437-450.
Barrow N., Whelan B. (1998). Comparing the effects of pH on the sorption of metals by soil and by goethite, and on uptake by plants, European Journal of Soil Science, 1998-12, 49 (4), p683-692, 1 table, 7 figs, refs.
Barrow, N. J., Brummer, G. W.Fischer, L. (2012). Rate of desorption of eight heavy metals from goethite and its implications for understanding the pathways for penetration, European Journal of Soil Science, vol. 63, no. 3, Jun, p. 389-398.
Barry G. (1996) Total heavy metal status of horticultural soils in Queensland: project timeline July 1994 - December 1996.
Barry G. A., Chudek P. J., Best E. K., Moody P. W. (1995). Estimating sludge application rates to land based on heavy metal and phosphorus sorption characteristics of soil, Water Research, 29, 2031-2034.
Barry G.A. and Rayment G.E. (1992). Heavy Metals in Biota, Sediments and Soils of Raine Island. Final Report to Raine Island Corporation, December 1992. QDPI, Brisbane.
Barry K. (1996). Automated colorimetric determination of nitrate-nitrogen and ammonium- nitrogen in water and soil samples, CSIRO, Division of Water Resources, Adelaide SA, 1996-05, ISBN 0643058990, 1 v (various pagings), tables, figs, refs.: Series Technical memorandum (CSIRO, Division of Water Resources); 96.12.
Barry, G.A. and Rayment G.E. (1993). Heavy metals in biota from the northern Great Barrier Reef. Paper 1/63. In “12th Australian Symposium on Analytical Chemistry/3rd Environmental Chemistry Conference, Perth”. (6 pp).
Barry, G.A. and Rayment G.E. (1996). Raine Island - pristine or polluted. Extended Abstract. (2 pp). In “Proceedings, First International Conference on Contaminants in the Soil Environment in the Australasia-Pacific Region, February 1996, South Australia”.
Barry, G.A. and Rayment G.E. (1997). Heavy metals and nutrients in soils and sediments of Raine Island, Great Barrier Reef. Land Contamination and Reclamation 5, 281-285.
Beck P., Jankowski J. (2000) Using K-D-Test Data in the Estimation of Contaminant Attenuation and Risk Assessment. in Groundwater: Past Achievements and Future Challenges, Proceedings of the XXX congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists, A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam, Oliver Sililo, Groundwater: Past achievements and future challenges, XXX congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists, Cape Town, South Africa; 26 November 2000 (Rotterdam: Rotterdam) pp 697-701.
Beck P., Jankowski J. (2000). Natural attenuation processes of heavy metals in a sand aquifer: Botany Basin, Sydney, Australia, Contaminated site remediation: from source zones to ecosystems: Contaminated Site Remediation Conference, 2nd, 4-8 Sept 2000, Melbourne VIC, Proceedings, Johnston CD (ed). CSIRO Land and Water, Centre for Groundwater Studies, Wembley WA, 2000-12, 2, ISBN 0643060871, p383-390, 1 table, 5 figs.
Bell J., McLaughlin M., Wright G., Cruickshank A. (1997). Inter- and intra-specific variation in accumulation of cadmium by peanut, soybean and navybean, Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 1997, 48 (8), p1151- 1160, 5 tables, 2 figs, refs.
Bell M. (2005) Title of Project Sustainable biosolids recycling in southeast Queensland: project timeline July 2001 - June 2005.
Bell M., McLaughlin M., Wright G., Cruickshank A. (1997). Inter and intra specific variation in accumulation of cadmium by peanut, soybean, and navybean., Australian journal of agricultural research. 1997. v. 48 (8) p. 1151-1160.
Bennet-Chambers M., Davies P., Knott B. (1999). Cadmium in aquatic ecosystems in Western Australia: a legacy of nutrient-deficient soils, Journal of Environmental Management, 1999-12, 57 (4), p283-295, 4 tables, 5 figs, refs.
Berg G. (1992) Cadmium research co-ordination for DARA: project timeline April 1989 - April 1992.
Best E.K. and Rayment G.E. (1991). Quality of Australian barley - A heavy metal story In “Cereals International, Proceedings of a Conference”. (Eds. D.J. Martin and C.W. Wrigley.) pp. 354-356. Cereal Chem. Division, Royal Australian Chemical Institute, Victoria, Australia.
Best E.K. and Rayment G.E. (1991). Quality of Australian Barley - a heavy metal story. Cereals International Abstract 10.85. Chemistry in Australia 58, 389.
Bian, R. J., Joseph, S., Cui, L. Q., Pan, G. X., Li, L. Q., Liu, X. Y., Zhang, A., Rutlidge, H., Wong, S. W., Chia, C., Marjo, C., Gong, B., Munroe, P.Donne, S. (2014). A three-year experiment confirms continuous immobilization of cadmium and lead in contaminated paddy field with biochar amendment, Journal of Hazardous Materials, vol. 272, May, p. 121-128.
Black, A., McLaren, R. G., Reichman, S. M., Speir, T. W., Condron, L. M.Houliston, G. (2012). Metal bioavailability dynamics during a two-year trial using ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) grown in soils treated with biosolids and metal salts, Soil Research, vol. 50, no. 4, p. 304-311.
Black, A., McLaren, R. G., Reichman, S. M., Speir, T. W.Condron, L. M. (2011). Evaluation of soil metal bioavailability estimates using two plant species (L. perenne and T. aestivum) grown in a range of agricultural soils treated with biosolids and metal salts, Environmental Pollution, vol. 159, no. 6, Jun, p. 1523-1535.
Black, A., McLaren, R. G., Reichman, S. M., Speir, T. W.Condron, L. M. (2012). Examining the integrity of soil metal bioavailability assays in the presence of organic amendments to metal-spiked soils, Soil Use and Management, vol. 28, no. 1, Mar, p. 89-100.
Bolan, N. S., Makino, T., Kunhikrishnan, A., Kim, P. J., Ishikawa, S., Murakami, M., Naidu, R.Kirkham, M. B. (2013), Cadmium contamination and its risk management in rice ecosystems, in D. L. Sparks (ed.), Advances in Agronomy, Vol 119, vol. 119, p. 183-273.
Bolan, N., Mahimairaja, S., Kunhikrishnan, A.Naidu, R. (2013). Sorption-bioavailability nexus of arsenic and cadmium in variable-charge soils, Journal of Hazardous Materials, vol. 261, Oct, p. 725-732.
Boominathan R., Doran P. M. (2003). Organic acid complexation, heavy metal distribution and the effect of ATPase inhibition in hairy roots of hyperaccumulator plant species, Journal of Biotechnology, 101 (2) pp. 131-146, 2003.
Bramley R. G. V., Barrow N. J. (1994). Differences in the cadmium content of some common Western Australian pasture plants grown in a soil amended with cadmium--describing the effects of level of cadmium supply., Fertilizer research. 1994. v. 39 (2) p. 113-122.
Bray, J. G. P., Rossel, R. V.McBratney, A. B. (2009). Diagnostic screening of urban soil contaminants using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, Australian Journal of Soil Research, vol. 47, no. 4, p. 433-442.
Broadhurst, C. L., Chaney, R. L., Davis, A. P., Cox, A., Kumar, K., Reeves, R. D.Green, C. E. (2015). Growth and Cadmium Phytoextraction by Swiss Chard, Maize, Rice, Noccaea caerulescens, and Alyssum murale in Ph Adjusted Biosolids Amended Soils, International Journal of Phytoremediation, vol. 17, no. 1, p. 25-39.
Brooks A., White R. M., Paton D. C. (1995). Effects of heavy metals on the survival of Diacypris compacta (Herbst) (Ostracoda) from the Coorong, South Australia, International Journal of Salt Lake Research, 4, 133-163.
Broom G. P., Squires R. C., Simpson M. P. J., Martin I. (1994). Treatment of heavy metal effluents by crossflow microfiltration, Journal of Membrane Science, 87, 219-230.
Bruemmer G. W., Gerth J., Tiller K. G. (1988). Reaction kinetics of the adsorption and desorption of nickel, zinc and cadmium by goethite; I, Adsorption and diffusion of metals, Journal of Soil Science, 39, 37-52.
Butt, D., Dowling, K.Vinden, P. (2008). Assessment of cadmium distribution in some Australian krasnozems by sequential extraction, Water Air and Soil Pollution, vol. 190, no. 1-4, May, p. 157-169.
Cairney J., Van L. D., Chen D. (2001). Metal insensitivity in ericoid mycorrhizal endophytes from Woollsia pungens (Epacridaceae), Australian journal of botany, 2001, 49 (5), ISSN 00671924, p571-577, 2 tables, 2 figs, refs.
Callan, A., Hinwood, A.Devine, A. (2014). Metals in commonly eaten groceries in Western Australia: a market basket survey and dietary assessment, Food Additives and Contaminants Part a-Chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment, vol. 31, no. 12, Dec, p. 1968-1981.
Campbell G., Galicia H., Schindler P. (1987). Binding of cadmium by montmorillonite-humic acid mixtures: miscible- displacement experiments, Australian Journal of Soil Research; (1987), v. 25 (4) p. 391-403; 4 graphs, 1 table, 48 ref., AB: (En).
Cao, F. B., Chen, F., Sun, H. Y., Zhang, G. P., Chen, Z. H.Wu, F. B. (2014). Genome-wide transcriptome and functional analysis of two contrasting genotypes reveals key genes for cadmium tolerance in barley, Bmc Genomics, vol. 15, Jul.
Carlot M., Giacomini A., Casella S. (2000). Plant root bacteria as a support for phytoremediation of heavy metal contaminated soil, 2000 contaminated site remediation conference; From source zones to ecosystems, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, Dec. 4-8, 2000.
Cattle A., McBratney A. B., Minasny B. (2002). Kriging method evaluation for assessing the spatial distribution of urban soil lead contamination, Journal of Environmental Quality, 31, 1576-1588.
Chaney R. L. (1989). Toxic element accumulation in soils and crops; protecting soil fertility and agricultural food-chains, Second international workshop on pollutant behavior in the vadose zone, Bet Dagan, Israel, June 1987: Ecological Studies, 74, 140-158.
Chang A. C., Page A. L., Lund L. J., Warneke J. E., Nelson C. O. (1989). Municipal sludges and utility ashes in California and their effects on soils, Second international workshop on pollutant behavior in the vadose zone, Bet Dagan, Israel, June 1987: Ecological Studies, 74, 125-139.
Cheevaporn V., Jacinto G. S., San Diego-McGlone M. L. (1995). Heavy metal fluxes in Bang Pakong River estuary, Thailand; sedimentary vs diffusive fluxes, International conference on Marine pollution and ecotoxicology, HKG, Jan. 22-26, 1995: Marine Pollution Bulletin, 31, 290-294.
Chen, F., Wang, F., Wu, F. B., Mao, W. H., Zhang, G. P.Zhou, M. X. (2010). Modulation of exogenous glutathione in antioxidant defense system against Cd stress in the two barley genotypes differing in Cd tolerance, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, vol. 48, no. 8, Aug, p. 663-672.
Chen, Z., Tang, Y. T., Yao, A. J., Cao, J., Wu, Z. H., Peng, Z. R., Wang, S. Z., Xiao, S., Baker, A. J. M.Qiu, R. L. (2017). Mitigation of Cd accumulation in paddy rice (Oryza sativa L.) by Fe fertilization, Environmental Pollution, vol. 231, Dec, p. 549-559.
Cheng, M. M., Kopittke, P. M., Wang, A., Sale, P. W. G.Tang, C. X. (2018). Cadmium reduces zinc uptake but enhances its translocation in the cadmium-accumulator, Carpobrotus rossii, without affecting speciation, Plant and Soil, vol. 430, no. 1-2, Sep, p. 219-231.
Cheng, M. M., Wang, A. A.Tang, C. X. (2017). Ammonium-based fertilizers enhance Cd accumulation in Carpobrotus rossii grown in two soils differing in pH, Chemosphere, vol. 188, Dec, p. 689-696.
Cheng, M. M., Wang, A. N., Liu, Z. Q., Gendall, A. R., Rochfort, S.Tang, C. X. (2018). Sodium chloride decreases cadmium accumulation and changes the response of metabolites to cadmium stress in the halophyte Carpobrotus rossii, Annals of Botany, vol. 122, no. 3, Sep, p. 373-385.
Cheng, M. M., Wang, P., Kopittke, P. M., Wang, A., Sale, P. W. G.Tang, C. X. (2016). Cadmium accumulation is enhanced by ammonium compared to nitrate in two hyperaccumulators, without affecting speciation, Journal of Experimental Botany, vol. 67, no. 17, Sep, p. 5041-5050.
Choppala, G., Saifullah, Bolan, N., Bibi, S., Iqbal, M., Rengel, Z., Kunhikrishnan, A., Ashwath, N.Ok, Y. S. (2014). Cellular mechanisms in higher plants governing tolerance to cadmium toxicity, Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, vol. 33, no. 5, p. 374-391.
Clark M., McConchie D., Saenger P., Pillsworth M. (1997). Hydrological controls on copper, cadmium, lead and zinc concentrations in an anthropogenically polluted mangrove ecosystem, Journal of coastal research, Fall 1997, 13 (4), ISSN 07490208, p1150- 1158, 29 refs.
Cobbett C. S., May M. J., Howden R., Rolls B. (1998). The glutathione deficient, cadmium sensitive mutant, cad2 1, of Arabidopsis thaliana is deficient in gamma glutamylcysteine synthetase., The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology. Oct 1998. v. 16 (1) p. 73-78.
Collins R. N., Merrington G., McLaughlin M. J., Morel J.-L. (2003). Organic ligand and pH effects on isotopically exchangeable cadmium in polluted soils, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 67, 112-121.
Cook L. (2003) Title of Project Coordination of the National Cadmium Minimisation Strategy: project timeline November 1998 - October 2003.
Cook L. (2005) Title of Project Coordination of the National Cadmium Minimisation Strategy: project timeline October 1999 - June 2005.
Cooper J. (1996). The agronomic value of biosolids in cropping systems on acid soils in central NSW, Biosolids research in NSW: Biosolids Summit, June 1995, Rydalmere NSW, Proceedings, Osborne, GJ (ed), Parkin, RL (ed), Michalk, DL (ed), and Grieve, AM (ed). NSW Agriculture, Organic Waste Recycling Unit, Richmond NSW, 1996, p87-94, 10 tables, 9 figs, 4 refs, D631.86909944/1.
Corry H., Berg G., Shelley B., Peverill K. (1993). Survey of heavy metal contaminants in fertilisers and soil amendments, East Melbourne Vic., 1993. 17 p. Research Report Series - Victorian Department of Agriculture; no. 147; 12 tables, 8 ref., AB: (En), <930032>.
Crane A. G., Holden P. J. (1999). Leaching of harbour sediments by estuarine iron-oxidising bacteria, International biohydrometallurgy symposium IBS '99, Madrid, Spain, June 20-23, 1999: Process Metallurgy, 9.
Cresswell G., Fahy P., Tesoriero L. (1996). Growth, yield and heavy metal uptake by vegetables in soil amended with composted biosolids, Biosolids research in NSW: Biosolids Summit, June 1995, Rydalmere NSW, Proceedings, Osborne, GJ (ed), Parkin, RL (ed), Michalk, DL (ed), and Grieve, AM (ed). NSW Agriculture, Organic Waste Recycling Unit, Richmond NSW, 1996, p201-208, 5 tables, 3 figs, refs, D631.86909944/1.
Dann P., Derrick J., Dumaresq D., Ryan M. (1996). The response of organic and conventionally grown wheat to superphosphate and reactive rock phosphate, Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 1996, 36 (1), p71- 78, 6 tables, 2 figs, refs.
Davies C. (2004) Title of Project Determination of the biochemical and genetic factors affecting cadmium accumulation in potato tubers: project timeline January 2000 - June 2004.
de Figueiredo, C. C., Chagas, J. K. M., da Silva, J.Paz-Ferreiro, J. (2019). Short-term effects of a sewage sludge biochar amendment on total and available heavy metal content of a tropical soil, Geoderma, vol. 344, Jun, p. 31-39.
De Filippis L. F., Ziegler H. (1993). Effect of sublethal concentrations of zinc, cadmium and mercury on the photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle of Euglena, Journal of Plant Physiology, 142, 167-172.
de Livera, J., McLaughlin, M. J., Beak, D., Hettiarachchi, G. M.Kirby, J. (2011). Release of dissolved cadmium and sulfur nanoparticles from oxidizing sulfide minerals, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 75, no. 3, May-Jun, p. 842-854.
de Livera, J., McLaughlin, M. J., Hettiarachchi, G. M., Kirby, J. K.Beak, D. G. (2011). Cadmium solubility in paddy soils: Effects of soil oxidation, metal sulfides and competitive ions, Science of the Total Environment, vol. 409, no. 8, Mar, p. 1489-1497.
de Vries, W., McLaughlin, M. J.Groenenberg, J. E. (2011). Transfer functions for solid-solution partitioning of cadmium for Australian soils, Environmental Pollution, vol. 159, no. 12, Dec, p. 3583-3594.
de Vries, W.McLaughlin, M. J. (2013). Modeling the cadmium balance in Australian agricultural systems in view of potential impacts on food and water quality, Science of the Total Environment, vol. 461, Sep, p. 240-257.
Degryse, F.Smolders, E. (2012). Cadmium and nickel uptake by tomato and spinach seedlings: plant or transport control?, Environmental Chemistry, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 48-54.
Dickinson, N., Baker, A., Doronila, A., Laidlaw, S.Reeves, R. (2009). Phytoremediation of inorganics: Realism and synergies, International Journal of Phytoremediation, vol. 11, no. 2, p. 97-114.
Donner, E., Brunetti, G., Zarcinas, B., Harris, P., Tavakkoli, E., Naidu, R.Lombi, E. (2013). Effects of chemical amendments on the lability and speciation of metals in anaerobically digested biosolids, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 47, no. 19, Oct, p. 11157-11165.
Dunbar K. R., McLaughlin M. J., Reid R. J. (2003). The uptake and partitioning of cadmium in two cultivars of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), Journal of Experimental Botany, 54 (381) pp. 349-354, 2003.
Dunn R., Roberts G. (1998). Victorian produce monitoring: program AB: report (1987-96), Victorian Department of Natural Resources and Environment, s.l., 1998, 56p, 13 tables, 3 figs, 16 refs, 980225.
Eccles J. (2005) Title of Project Coordination of the National Cadmium Minimisation Strategy: project timeline October 1999 - June 2005.
Evans G. (1997). Managing cadmium in agriculture and food : the issues for government., Bureau of Resource Sciences,c1997. vii, 52 p. : ill. ; 30 cm.
Fang, J., Wen, B., Shan, X. Q., Lin, J. M.Owens, G. (2007). Is an adjusted rhizosphere-based method valid for field assessment of metal phytoavailability? Application to non-contaminated soils, Environmental Pollution, vol. 150, no. 2, Nov, p. 209-217.
Fotovat A., Naidu R. (1998). Changes in composition of soil aqueous phase influence chemistry of indigenous heavy metals in alkaline sodic and acidic soils, Geoderma, 1998-06, 84 (1-3), ISSN 00167061, p213-234, 3 tables, 11 figs, refs.
Gambrell R. P., Patrick W. H., Jr (1989). Cu, Zn, and Cd availability in a sludge-amended soil under controlled pH and redox potential conditions, Second international workshop on pollutant behavior in the vadose zone, Bet Dagan, Israel, June 1987: Ecological Studies, 74, 89-106.
Gartrell J. (1990). Grain cadmium - superphosphate is not the cad, Perth WA, 1990. 2 p. Technote - Western Australian Department of Agriculture; no. 2/90; 2 tables, For restricted circulation only.
Gerritse R. Column and catchment scale transport of cadmium: effect of dissolved organic matter., Journal of contaminant hydrology. Apr 1996. v. 22 (3/4) p. 145-163.
Gerritse R. G. (1996). Column and catchment scale transport of cadmium: effect of dissolved organic matter., Journal of contaminant hydrology. Apr 1996. v. 22 (3/4) p. 145-163.
Gerritse R. G., van Driel W. (1984). The relationship between adsorption of trace metals, organic matter, and pH in temperate soils, Journal of Environmental Quality, 13, 197-204.
Glendinning J. (1987). Is cadmium in superphosphate a problem?, Pasture Notes; (Jan 1987), v. 2(1) p. 8-9; Not to be cited without permission of author.
Green, I. D.Tibbett, M. (2008). Differential uptake, partitioning and transfer of Cd and Zn in the soil-pea plant-aphid system, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 42, no. 2, Jan, p. 450-455.
Guo, T. R., Zhang, G. P., Zhou, M. X., Wu, F. B.Chen, J. X. (2007). Influence of aluminum and cadmium stresses on mineral nutrition and root exudates in two barley cultivars, Pedosphere, vol. 17, no. 4, Aug, p. 505-512.
Hamon R. E., Holm P. E., Lorenz S. E., McGrath S. P., Christensen T. H. (1999). Metal uptake by plants from sludge amended soils: caution is required in the plateau interpretation., Plant and soil. 1999. v. 216 (1/2) p. 53-64.
Hamon R. E., McLaughlin M. J., Naidu R., Correll R. (1998). Long term changes in cadmium bioavailability in soil., Environmental science & technology. Dec 1, 1998. v. 32 (23) p. 3699-3703.
Hamon R., Wundke J., McLaughlin M., Naidu R. (1997). Availability of zinc and cadmium to different plant species, Australian Journal of Soil Research, 35 (6) pp. 1267-1277, 1997.
Hamon, R., McLaughlin, M. J.Lombi, E. (eds) (2007), Natural attenuation of trace metal availability in soils, Taylor and Francis and the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Pensacola, Florida, USA.
Handreck K. A. (1994). Effect of pH on the uptake of cadmium, copper, and zinc from soilless media containing sewage sludge, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 25, 1913-1927.
Hardy S. (2002). Monitoring pesticide and cadmium residues in fresh fruit and vegetables: 1997-2000, NSW Agriculture, Dubbo NSW, 2002-01, 68p, ill, D668.65/2.
Hardy S. (2002). Monitoring pesticide and cadmium residues in fresh fruit and vegetables: 2000-2001, NSW Agriculture, s.l., 2002-06, 64p, 12 tables, D668.65/2.
Harney M. (1989) Manufacture of soil treatment additives from dirt produced by treatment of wool scour effluent: project timeline September 1989-.
Harter R. D., Naidu R. (2001). An assessment of environmental and solution parameter impact on trace-metal sorption by soils, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 65, 597-612.
Hartley J., Cairney J., Sanders F., Meharg A. (1997). Toxic interactions of metal ions (Cd2+, Pb2+, Zn2+ and Sb3-) on in vitro biomass production of ectomycorrhizal fungi, New phytologist, 1997-11, 137 (3), ISSN 0028646X, p551-562, 4 tables, 5 figs, refs.
Hartley J., Cairney W., Meharg A. (1999). Cross~colonization of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seedlings by the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus in the presence of inhibitory levels of Cd and Zn, New Phytology, 1999~04, 142 (1), p141~149, 2 tables, 7 figs, refs,.
Havrila A. (1990). Cadmium: the economic effect on the production of pigmeats of restriction on the use of rock phosphates: marginal analysis model, Melbourne Vic., 1990. 31 p. Discussion Paper - Victorian Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs; no. 9001; 5 fig., 9 tables, 23 ref., <900023>.
Heemsbergen, D. A., McLaughlin, M. J., Whatmuff, M., Warne, M. S., Broos, K., Bell, M., Nash, D., Barry, G., Pritchard, D.Penney, N. (2010). Bioavailability of zinc and copper in biosolids compared to their soluble salts, Environmental Pollution, vol. 158, no. 5, May, p. 1907-1915.
Hinz C. (2000). Correlations between soil properties and trace metal sorption, Soils 2000: making our science more useable: Western Australian Soil Science Conference, 5th, 11-13 July 2000, Northam WA, Proceedings, Tang, C (comp) and Williamson, DR (comp). Australian Society of Soil Science Inc (WA Branch), s.l., 2000-07, ISBN 0958659559, p137-143, 2 figs, 10 refs.
Ho G. E., Matthew K., Newman P. W. G. (1989). Leachate Quality from Gypsum Neutralized Red Mud Applied to Sandy Soils, Water, Air and Soil Pollution WAPLAC Vol. 47, No. 1-2, p 1-18, September 1989. 8 fig, 4 tab, 14 ref.
Hocking P. J., McLaughlin M. J. (2000). Genotypic variation in cadmium accumulation by seed of linseed, and comparison with seeds of some other crop species, Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 51 (4) pp. 427-433, 2000.
Hooda P. S., Alloway B. J. (1998). Cadmium and lead sorption behaviour of selected English and Indian soils, First international conference on Contaminants and the soil environment, Adelaide, South Aust., Australia, 1996: Geoderma, 84, 121-134.
Hosie D., Bogoias A., Laeter J. d., Rosman K. (1978). The cadmium content in soil at Heirisson Island, Western Australia, Search. Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement; (Jan 1978), v. 9(1-2) p. 47-49; 2 graphs, 8 ref.
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