Fertcare trains industry staff in the competencies required to meet their responsibilities for food safety and environmental risk management. It includes the competency to warn, advise and refer customers to information about the risks and how to manage them. Fertcare also develops awareness of the occupational health and safety issues associated with fertiliser and soil ameliorant products.
Fertcare training is undertaken through self-paced learning program, workshops, workplace assessment and on-line (e-learning) processes – depending on the level of training. There is also an induction package that provides new staff with early awareness of the program and their responsibilities.
Fertcare is delivered at three levels that match the specific needs of different fertiliser support roles. The training material is given local relevance through the assessment process which requires participants to gain an understanding of local issues and programs.
Who Should Be Trained?
Anyone who has a direct involvement in how fertilisers are transported, stored, applied and used – through providing advice or directly handling products, should complete the appropriate level of Fertcare training. To help members of the industry to decide whether a staff member needs to be trained or not, the following definition of Fertcare ‘eligibility’ has been developed:
Eligible staff are those employed or contracted for 12 months or longer:
- who provide advice on fertiliser and soil ameliorant products use to end users, whether in a sales, advisory or logistical role; or
- who handle or apply fertiliser and soil ameliorant products to land; or
- who are involved in the storage and handling of fertiliser and soil ameliorants, at the point where they are loaded and leave the site.
Staff working in these areas are not considered ‘eligible’ if they are:
- Casual and seasonal employees and do not provide advice; or
- Exclusively operate loading machinery.
Under these circumstances, the employee must:
- be managed by a Fertcare trained supervisor; and
- not provide fertiliser advice to end-users; and
- be briefed by the supervisor about the environment, food safety and OH&S risks associated with fertilisers.
Staff that will be become ‘eligible’ after 12 months of service should receive the Fertcare induction material while they await the opportunity to complete training. The decision as to which level of training is appropriate for each staff member is the responsibility of the business, based on the guidance provided here.
More about the Induction Package
More about Fertcare Handling
More about Sales and Service
More About Fertcare Accredited Advisor