Presentations from the Australian Fertilizer Industry Conference 2018 can be opened or downloaded from the links below. Presentations are listed in the order in which they appear in the program.
2018 Conference Program
Session 1 Economics & Markets
Global fertilizer markets outlook and implications for Australia - Carl Roache
Regulating to improving reef water quality- Elisa Nichols
Upcoming changes to COR legislation and safety responsibilities under primary duties - John Gilbert
The Serene Swan - Fertilizer Australia - Nick Drew
Session 2 Fertiliser Handling & Application Technology
N Fertilizer from the sun - Is it a pipe dream or soon to be reality - Vinod Patel
Ship to shed - Meeting & exceeding community expectations now and in the future - Paul Radford & Ryan Hazel
What is the value of Fertcare and industry associations? How does this help when things go badly wrong? - Rod Abbott
Fungicide treated fertilizer & cross contamination risks - Tim Ross
Session 3 Business Leadership & Management
Blockchain - Will it revolutionise food and agri supply? - Wes Lefroy
Leveraging your family business advantage - Greg Griffith
Cyber security - Patricia Thorpe & Chris Kelly
Session 4 Soil & Plant Nutrition
Best practice pasture phosphorous management now and in the future - Dr Richard Simpson
Influences of alternative fertilizers on pasture production and soil microbial communities - Fiona Leech
Nitrogen supply from soil mineralisation in dairy pastures - Dr Helen Suter
Improving nitrogen use efficiency in irrigated cotton with the 4R's - Dr Graeme Schwenke
2018 Machinery Field Day Program
Machinery Field Day
Fertilizer management using digital agriculture and automation technology - Rowan Rainbow
More profit from nitrogen using remote and proximal sensing technologies - Alexis Pang