
It is the intention of the Fertcare® program that all staff who provide advice to customers regarding fertilizers and soil ameliorants, or who have direct responsibility for handling and spreading them, are trained.

The program recognises that there is a time lag between when someone is employed and when they can reasonably be expected to undergo Fertcare training.

There also many staff who have only a minor involvement in fertilizers and soil ameliorants.

To ensure that new staff, and those with only a minor involvement, all have a good understanding of the Fertcare program the Fertcare induction material should be included in all company induction processes.

The Fertcare Induction fact sheet, and the Fertcare Booklet below, are the minimum that should be included in the induction process. The PowerPoint presentation can be used to expand on the issues in the fact sheet.

Fertcare Induction Fact Sheet.pdf

Fertcare Induction Pres.ppt

Fertcare Booklet.pdf